Ph.D CSE Entrance Exam Syllabus
UNIT-I Computer Networks
Network fundamentals: Local Area Networks (LAN), Metropolitan Area Networks (MAN), Wide Area Networks (WAN), Wireless Networks, Inter Networks. Reference Models: The OSI model, TCP / IP model.
Data Communication: Channel capacity. Transmission media-twisted pair, coaxial cables, fibre – optic cables, wireless transmission-radio, microwave, infrared and millimetre waves. Lightwave transmission.
Internetworking: Switch / Hub, Bridge, Router, Gateways, Concatenated virtual circuits, Tunnelling, Fragmentation, Firewalls.
Network Security: Cryptography-public key, secret key. Domain Name System (DNS) – Electronic Mail and Worldwide Web (WWW). The DNS, Resource Records, Name servers. E-mail-architecture and Serves.
UNIT-II Software Engineering
System Development Life Cycle (SDLC): Steps, Water fall model, Prototypes, Spiral model.
Software Metrics: Software Project Management.
Software Design: System design, detailed design, function-oriented design, object-oriented design, user interface design. Design level metrics.
Coding and Testing: Testing level metrics. Software quality and reliability. Clean room approach, software reengineering.
UNIT-IIIMobile Computing
Mobile connectivity – Cells, Framework, wireless delivery technology and switching methods, mobile information access devices, mobile data internetworking standards, cellular data communication protocols, mobile computing applications. Mobile databases – protocols, scope, tools and technology. M-business.
UNIT-IV Operating Systems
Main functions of operating systems. Multiprogramming, multiprocessing, and multitasking. Memory Management: Virtual memory, paging, fragmentation. Concurrent Processing: Mutual exclusion. Critical regions, lock and unlock. Scheduling: CPU scheduling, I / O scheduling, Resource scheduling. Deadlock and scheduling algorithms. Banker’s algorithm for deadlock handling.
UNIT-VProgramming in C and C++
Programming in C: Elements of C – Tokens, identifiers, data types in C. Control structures in C. Sequence, selection and iteration(s). Structured data types in C-arrays, struct, union, string, and pointers.Programming Concepts: Class, object, instantiation. Inheritance, polymorphism and overloading.
C++ Programming: Elements of C++ – Tokens, identifiers. Variables and constants, Datatypes, Operators, Control statements. Functions parameter passing. Class and objects. Constructors and destructors. Overloading, Inheritance, Templates, Exception handling. Data structures: Data, Information, Definition of data structure. Arrays, stacks, queues, linked lists, trees, graphs, priority queues and heaps.
linked lists, trees, graphs, priority queues and heaps. File Structures: Fields, records and files. Sequential, direct, index-sequential and relative files. Hashing, inverted lists and multi – lists. B trees and B+ trees.
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